New Paradigm
Updated: May 15, 2024
So I was kind of losing my mind without sleep, breathing problems, no babysitters, and trying to homeschool my 2 little kids plus infant so we took a close look at our finances and were able to all join a nice gym which has 2 hours of childcare 7 days a week plus Parents’ Night out. There were some bumps along the way with the oldest learning how to get along with others and practicing self control, and the middle son not wanting to let me go, but I think it’s really helped me decompress and start trying to get back to my musical goals.
I hope by the end of the year to be able to sing one of my original wish songs which has whistle F. The highest note I ever had truly under my belt has been female high C. I’ve been trying to make time to do the Range builder program all the way through. Up until now I’ve had so little time that I’ve only used the first half of that program to warm up twice per week for choir. If I’m lucky I use the first two exercises from the Mastering Mix program to warm up all parts of my voice. Edge and pharyngeal really help my tone but I do them all in order. I need to get back to Smule. The random times I’ve had to sing there have been so short and so lat the results weren’t worth saving. Ugh.
I sang at my grandpa’s birthday recently with no warmup, no prep, no backing track! I thought it was awful and I picked a terrible key but somehow didn’t crack, break, or mess up. The family loved it, but it wasn’t to my standards. I am looking forward to a new more productive paradigm!