Refiner's Fire
Becoming a Singer
Being a bit of a nerd, I thought what better way to help me become a better singer than to research, develop, and document my journey to share with others. From cringe to pro! I aspire to high standards and share my journey with the faith that one day this shall pass and I actually will transcend my cringey self. Can I become so polished that my vast awkwardness disappears? Challenge accepted.
Singing Improvement
My daily vocal workout and song plans. Who I plan to listen to as models for my vocal goals. Progress and achievements.

Personal Appearance and Mannerisms
Finding and mitigating physical and social shortcomings

Health and Fitness
What does it take to become fit and fabulous? How do I fit it into my chaotic life?

Image and Branding Development
Who even Am I so I can find my Best self? What things best represent me and my enterprise?

As Brett Manning says, "Singing is acting on pitch." Research on emoting while singing properly. Research on planning a performance.

Making a Living
Research on how to record and distribute high quality musical art. Interviews with various people who have actually gotten paid for singing.